My word, I had not realised the length of time you spend in this site's bulletin boards, supposedly - as you seem to think - putting all the little people right on moral and intellectual issues; correcting them on all manner of things. As you say, you 'live for' intellectual discourse, philosophy. For sure you do - at least as you define them. Quantity belies only one kind of application, however; quality belies another. You are profilic in the former; but grandly lacking in the latter it seems. The evidence is there, in those boards. Your ability to grab the wrong end of the stick is simply stunning. You hit upon one part of something someone says, amplifying it, in order to make some tentative, over-egged point, in a hollow self-interested, bullying commitment to a depleted, simplistic quasi-dialects. You moderate on an uninvited basis; a big fish in a little pond. You abandoned our discussion because your limitations came up and bit you. Of course, you'll confect some kind of excuse; groping for subjectivity, emotion; ditching the 'living for discourse' in so doing, but retaining it anyway, as a badge to brandish, but without substance. If I had known how much you seem to enjoy putting people down, I would have taken off the kid gloves during our exchanges. Do some more reading; ideally, please do some more thinking - especially before opening your mouth or tapping your mistaken, ill-conceived, and corrosive invective into your computer. Additionally, please drop the tedious footer '...Find stable partners, not a stable of partners...'. Cheap poetry doesn't always reveal hidden truths; pithy isn't always smart. I am actually attempting to help; though I find your activities distasteful.
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