Certainly, one does not always have to pick fights! Your profile is, though, provocative - and meant to be, of course! Perhaps this cyber-profile is the profile you carry through into everyday life? A constructive dissatisfaction with the world is, we feel, a good thing. It shows a laudible lack of apathy. Stay grumpy. Personally, we try to look on the bright-side, whilst preparing for the worst. That said, it's as well to keep things in perspective. We don't live in, say, Iraq; so we are not under that kind of threat. The threat here is of living a half-life - as an unreflexive, only semi-conscious consumer. So much seems piecemeal, idle, half-arsed. But it is possible, we feel, to side-step the culture we are given. One just has to be prepared for struggle and application, and - moreover - the need to invent and maintain one's own infastructures in paramount. We have never been mainstream, though. Education is the thing to save the situation. The lack of same is what is wrong. That leads to most of the ills we see. There is a general and generalised, widely-accepted lack of respect, for everything from the wonders of nature to the wonders of the self, of self-hood, of Being that is. There is, put another way, a lack of hope; coupled with a disbelief in the possibility and efficacy of progress. Societly, this manifests itself as the model of consumerism caricatured above; in terms of individuals, this leads to a careless attitude toward making the most of one's life, notions of self-development/improvement, etc. Islands of Doubt, as Talking Heads once termed it, can be made, however. One can remove oneself from the general flow. What choice is there?
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