Ditto duck is... one and the same. Lexicology is an uncertain science.
[ˌlɛksɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkəl] PANG to the plurality of the love you send. Such precise forms cannot be misinterpreted by my singularity. PANG is never open to interpretation.
Ditto duck ([*]) is returned in high quantities of theirs without prerequisite p-redefinition. Understood is tactile. Cognition demands nothing in such cases; semantics are only concerned with themselves.
Ever ^ of love is multiplied and subtracted from the multitudinous and multifarious nature of * returned. Such is the nature of -/+ its purest form. I could be wrong, of course.
Ditto same, dear Lexikəˈlɒdʒɪkəl PANG. Your precise formations open my interpretation, in turn. [p-redef* / cogni^ multifar-/+ I return love tri. kiss.
Anthony Donovan is an artist, musician, composer, improviser and writer based in England. He works solo, either as Murmurists or under his own name, and is associated with projects such as Destroyevsky, Ou_pi Golgotha.undead, Spidey Agutter and the.clinamen. An ardent collaborator, he has worked with the likes of John Zorn, Jochen Arbeit, Geoff Leigh, PAS, Steve Beresford and Damo Suzuki. Donovan co-curates the respected labels Classwar Karaoke and suRRism-Phonoethics with Jaan Patterson. His interests are all either obscure or opaque, but morally authentic.
Слава славним мермаристaм ()ноль sic. * (ETY) apocryphal?
PANG of ^ ever. Or ditto duck cлава славним your ditto duck.
Or love.
Ditto duck is... one and the same. Lexicology is an uncertain science.
[ˌlɛksɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkəl] PANG to the plurality of the love you send. Such precise forms cannot be misinterpreted by my singularity. PANG is never open to interpretation.
Ditto duck ([*]) is returned in high quantities of theirs without prerequisite p-redefinition. Understood is tactile. Cognition demands nothing in such cases; semantics are only concerned with themselves.
Ever ^ of love is multiplied and subtracted from the multitudinous and multifarious nature of * returned. Such is the nature of -/+ its purest form. I could be wrong, of course.
In recognition, I return love squared.
PS Concern with - perhaps - overlooking points in ^. Naturally (0) is a given. We emanate.
Ditto same, dear Lexikəˈlɒdʒɪkəl PANG. Your precise formations open my interpretation, in turn. [p-redef* / cogni^ multifar-/+ I return love tri. kiss.
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