Thursday, May 07, 2009

item #0059

I feel what follows might be some kind of subconscious homage to that gaggle of nocturnal categories I nominated last time I posted here - in October last year, I think; now re-worked with some sense of adding to a notional, long-overdue collective dictionary of my visions. I think that, in documenting the things I see, I might help others populate their own experiences with things of substance. For this, I aim, in time, to construct another site, and with it a new moniker, which will re-brand what may, at first reading, seem to be purely transitory, into something I personally think of as talismanic. All I have to work with is myself. I realise it is different for others; and, given that knowledge, I aim to give something of myself to you all. Equality can be achieved that way, I feel.



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